
elect Michael Shell Mayor of Gadsden Alabama 26 August 2014

elect Michael Shell Mayor of Gadsden Alabama 26 August 2014





I have decided to support Herman Cain for president of the United States and I pray you will also.
Cain’s 9 9 9 tax plan is based on sound economic principles. 
Broaden the tax base, drop the tax rates, simplify the tax code and collect the same amount of revenues.
Get rid of today’s complex and corrupt personal income and corporate income tax codes.
Eliminate federal payroll taxes, the capital gains tax and the death tax. 
Generate the same amount of revenue with a flat personal income tax of 9%, 
a corporate flat tax of 9% 
and a consumption tax of 9%.
The lower tax rates would reduce the tax barriers to US economic growth and job creation, leading to a bounty of both. 
Tax simplification also would eliminate the dead weight loss of tens of billions of dollars spent to comply with or avoid today’s tax system.   
By putting Americans back to work, instead of pitting them one against the other, the 9 9 9 tax plan would generate additional revenues governments at all levels need to meet their obligations.
Those who criticize Cain’s tax plan based on an analysis of who pays what taxes are forgetting two vital aspects of tax policy. 
First, the cost of the current tax system is imbedded in prices of many of the goods that all of us  rich & poor  purchase. 
The generally higher prices for food and shelter and almost everything else in New York City, for example, reflect in part the generally higher tax burden on those who live and work in the city. 
Second, the heaviest burden of today’s tax system is born by those who are unemployed because of the distortions and perverse incentives it imposes on the U.S. economy.
Beyond the technical pro growth aspects, the 9 9 9 plan would shake up the politics as usual status quo. 
The power of lobbyist would be reduced  because there will be so much less to lobby for.
The deductions that allow big corporations and the truly wealthy to game the system are removed.
Cain would reduce the burden of government further by actually reducing the level of government spending, not just some future growth in spending 10 years from now. 
He would start with a 10% across the board reduction in the spending by all agencies. 
For an operation as bloated as the federal government such cuts should actually lead to improved performance by, among other things, eliminating those functions that may at one time have made sense, but that are now expensive distractions, expensive not only in terms of money, but also in vital management time.
Regulatory policies would also come under sharp review. 
Federal regulations now cost the U.S. economy an estimated $1.7 trillion, or an astounding 12% of the entire income of the American people and businesses. 
Up for repeal will be Obama Care, Dodd-Frank financial reform & Section 404 of Sarbanes Oxley. 
The EPA’s job killing, anti energy production agenda will be rolled back. 
Expect patient centered health care reform and an all out effort to develop the America’s vast natural gas and oil reserves now accessible because of breakthroughs in drilling and extraction technologies. 
This approach will by itself, create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. 
More important, it will end the energy crisis and get the government out of the business of manipulating the kind of cars we buy and telling us what kind of light bulbs to use in our homes.

Please prayerfully consider your choice for our next president & it is my prayer that it is 
Mr. 999 man himself Herman Cain.

                   Learn More @ 999meansJOBs.com 



Elect Michael Shell Mayor of Gadsden Alabama 26 August 2014

elect Michael Shell Mayor of Gadsden Alabama 26 August 2014